



发布时间:2024-02-27 07:02人气:
本文摘要:After three years of seizing market share from Chinese rivals, foreign auto makers are starting to take it from each other. 时隔三年来大大从中国竞争对手那里抢占市场份额之后,海外汽车制造商开始了彼此之间的白热化竞争。

After three years of seizing market share from Chinese rivals, foreign auto makers are starting to take it from each other. 时隔三年来大大从中国竞争对手那里抢占市场份额之后,海外汽车制造商开始了彼此之间的白热化竞争。Ford Motor Co., Volkswagen AG and Hyundai Motor Corp. are all poised to end the year with significant market share gains in the worlds No. 1 auto market, as they were quick to meet demand for sport-utility vehicles and China-tailored new models. 福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)、大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)和现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)都打算在今年完结时使自己在中国这个全球仅次于汽车市场的占有率获得明显提高。这些公司很快顺应了市场对运动型多用途车(SUV)和为中国消费者量身自定义的新车型的市场需求。At least some of those gains are at the expense of other foreign players. General Motors Co., Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. have all seen their China market share shrink so far this year. 然而,这其中最少有部分市场份额的减少是以其他海外汽车制造商的损失为代价的。

今年截至目前,通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)、丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Co.)和日产汽车(Nissan Motor Co.)在中国市场的占有率皆有所下降。Foreign players are chasing drivers like Qian Jin. After months wavering between Fords Kuga, Volkswagens Tiguan and Nissans X-Trail compact SUVs, the Beijing-based freelance photographer decided on a deluxe-edition Kuga to replace his eight-year-old Volkswagen Golf sedan. 目前,海外汽车制造商都在争夺战像钱入(音译)这样的中国消费者。

时隔数月来仍然在福特翼虎(Kuga)、大众途观(Tiguan)和日产奇骏(X-Trail)这些紧凑型SUV中犹豫不决之后,这位居住于在北京的权利摄影师再一要求出售一辆豪华型的翼虎,来更换他早已进了八年的大众高尔夫(Golf)轿车。Mr. Qian cited the Kugas interior features, such as motion sensers that let him open the back hatch by stretching his legs. 钱进称,做出这一要求的原因是被翼虎的内饰所更有,比如,运动传感器使他伸伸腿就能关上后备箱。

You dont need to push a button, he said. Its a very considerate design. 他说道,你需要按下按钮,这是十分坦诚的设计。Data released Tuesday showed Chinas overall passenger vehicle sales rose 15% in the period from January to November, with the total market share of foreign auto makers rising to 60% from 58.7% in the year-earlier period. Most major foreign auto makers - even those with flat or declining market share - posted total sales gains as Chinese drivers continue to favor foreign brands. 周二公布的数据表明,今年1-11月份,中国乘用车销售总量减少了15%,海外汽车制造商的市场占有率从上年同期的58.7%升到60%。由于中国消费者仍注目海外品牌,多数主要海外汽车制造商(即便是那些市场占有率持平或上升的制造商)在中国市场的汽车销量都构建了快速增长。

But the companies say competitive pressure is increasing. Its critically important for car makers to launch the right products at the right time, said John Zeng, an analyst at LMC Automotive. 但这些公司回应,竞争压力正在增大。LMC Automotive分析师John Zeng指出,对于汽车制造商来说,在准确的时间发售准确的产品至关重要。In an October interview, GM China President Bob Socia called this year a little bit of an off year in China for the Detroit auto maker as a result of fewer new launches. GM plans to introduce another nine new or refreshed SUVs in China within the next five years, and introduce a new Cadillac model every year through 2016. 通用汽车中国公司总裁苏瑞博(Bob Socia)在今年10月份拒绝接受专访时称,对通用汽车来说,由于发售的新车型增加,今年在中国市场的境况较好。

通用汽车计划未来五年内在中国发售九款新型或升级款SUV,并从目前到2016年的每年都发售一款新的卡迪拉克(Cadillac)车型。Its totally about having the right product, Mr. Socia said. Last month, GM said Mr. Socia would retire in January and that his successor, GM China executive Matthew Tsien, would report directly to GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson. 苏瑞博称之为,这几乎各不相同发售准确的产品。通用汽车曾在上个月回应,苏瑞博将在明年1月卸任,而他的继任者钱惠康(Matthew Tsien)将由通用汽车首席执行长艾克森(Dan Akerson)必要领导。

According to J.D. Power Associates, there are 524 car models offered by 96 brands in China, compared with 294 models sold by 45 brands in the U.S. In 2014, car makers are going to launch at least 238 new and upgraded models in China, according to market research firm Ways Consulting Co. J.D. Power Associates的信息表明,目前在中国市场上的96个汽车品牌获取了524款车型,而美国市场上的45个汽车品牌获取了294款车型。市场调研公司Ways Consulting Co.称之为,2014年中国汽车市场将最少发售238款新车和Ultra汽车。Most foreign auto makers are so far maintaining and even increasing profitability in China, say analysts, in part by pressuring parts makers and dealers. The companies themselves dont disclose bottom-line data from China. 分析师们指出,到目前为止,多数海外汽车制造商都保持、甚至减少了在中国的盈利,一定程度上是通过向零部件制造商和汽车经销商施加压力。

这些汽车制造商都并未透露在中国市场的利润数据。At the same time, they are increasing spending on marketing to reach Chinese consumers. Nielsen-CCData, a joint venture between Nielsen and a Chinese data firm, said the five biggest foreign-Chinese auto joint ventures - which include arms of VW, GM, Nissan and BMW AG -- spent a total of 9.5 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) on advertising in the first 10 months of this year, up 8% from a year earlier. This year, GM and Ford sponsored popular TV singing competitions, with the former sponsoring The Voice of China while the latter advertised on Chinese Idol. 与此同时,为了更有中国消费者,海外汽车制造商正在增大市场营销方面的投放。

尼尔森公司(Nielsen)与一家中资数据公司正式成立的合资公司尼尔森网联(Nielsen-CCData)称之为,今年前10个月,还包括大众汽车、通用汽车、日产汽车和宝马汽车(BMW AG)子公司在内的五家仅次于的中外合资汽车公司总共投放了人民币95亿元(约合16亿美元)的广告费,同比增加8%。今年,通用汽车和福特汽车都赞助商了电视台的歌唱比赛。通用汽车赞助商了“中国好声音”,而福特汽车沦为了“中国梦之声”的赞助。

Ford has seen sales surge by more than 50% to about 840,000 vehicles as of the first 11 months of this year compared with the year-earlier period on the back of an effort to double production capacity there by 2015. The U.S. car maker has said it would bring 15 new models in China between 2011 and 2015 including the luxury brand Lincoln and classic Mustang. 今年1至11月,福特汽车销量较上年同期攀升50%多,超过大约84万辆,这主要是受该公司有关到2015年将产量提升一倍的希望所承托。这家美国汽车制造商早已回应,2011年至2015年间将在中国发售15款新车型,还包括奢华品牌林肯(Lincoln)和经典的野马(Mustang)汽车。The Chinese like a little bit more room in the backseat, they like a little bit more chrome on the front, said David Schoch, president of Fords Asia-Pacific region, last week in an interview. So we are taking into consideration the Chinese wants. 福特汽车亚太地区总裁萧达伟(David Schoch)上周拒绝接受专访时说:中国人讨厌后排空间更加宽阔,讨厌车头有更加多铬合金装饰;所以我们考虑到了中国人的市场需求。

South Koreas Hyundai has focused on mid- and compact-sized vehicles, focusing on China-exclusive models such as the Yuedong, Langdong and Mistra sedans. Analysts said Hyundais adoption of European-style designs has catered to Chinese consumers aesthetic. It had a 7.4% share of Chinas auto market in the first eleven months of this year, up from 7.1% in 2012. 韩国现代汽车仍然专心于中型车和紧凑型车,尤其是仅有针对中国的车型,比如悦动、朗动和名图(Mistra)轿车。分析师们说道,现代汽车使用的欧式设计顺应了中国消费者的审美观。今年前11个月,现代汽车在中国汽车市场上的占有率为7.4%,低于2012年的7.1%。

Toyota and Nissan are still grappling with the fallout of a territorial dispute between Beijing and Tokyo that led to Chinese consumers last year scorning Japanese brands. Nissan said at a recent auto show in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou that it aims to raise its share of Chinas auto market to 10% over the medium to long run from less than 6% currently. 丰田汽车和日产汽车仍在希望应付中日领土争端带给的影响,争端去年造成中国消费者对日本品牌弃之不及。日产汽车最近在广州的一个汽车展上说道,该公司计划在中长期内把其在中国汽车市场上的占有率从目前的严重不足6%提升至10%。

Niu Yu, a spokesman for Toyota China, said it is on track to meet its goal of selling 900,000 vehicles in China this year and plans to raise the annual sales to more than one million in 2014. In the future we will focus on low-cost cars and hybrid vehicles, he said. 丰田中国发言人牛熠说道,该公司未来将会构建今年在中国销售90万辆车的目标,并计划将2014年年销量提升至100万辆以上。他说道,未来我们将侧重于低成本汽车和混合动力车。By contrast, Honda has increased its market share to 3.3% in the first 11 months of the year from 3.1% last year as it revved up efforts to incorporate Chinese preference into its models. In September, it launched the Jade, a multi-purpose vehicle with a three-row-seat version for China to cater local preference to roomy space. Honda says it has sold more than 20,000 vehicles as of November. 相比之下,本田汽车今年前11个月在中国市场上的占有率从去年的3.1%提升至3.3%,这主要是因为该公司增大希望在旗下车型中带入中国人爱好的元素。

今年9月,本田汽车发售了多用途车杰德(Jade),该款车型特地为中国市场设计了一个三排座椅版,以顺应中国消费者对车内空间的拒绝。本田汽车说道,截至11月,早已售出了多达2万辆杰德汽车。Not all Chinese auto makers have seen market share declines. Great Wall Motor Co. has seen its market share rise to 3.5% from 3.2% last year on the strength of its dependence on SUVs. 并非所有中国本土汽车制造商的市场占有率都有所上升。

长城汽车(Great Wall Motor Co.)市场占有率从去年的3.2%提升至3.5%,这主要归功于该公司主打SUV。While market leaders such as GM and VW have won brand recognition in China after more than a decade of operations, Chinese consumers remain less loyal to auto brands than in the West. 虽然通用汽车和大众汽车等市场领导者在经过十多年的经营后在中国取得了品牌认知度,但中国消费者对汽车品牌的忠诚度仍没西方国家消费者那么低。

In China, auto culture is far from being established. Buying cars is somewhat like taking friends to restaurants. Most of people are unlikely to go to the same restaurant in the first two or three times, said Mei Songlin, vice president and managing director with J.D. Power China. J.D. Power中国的副总裁兼董事总经理梅松林说道,在中国,汽车文化还近没创建一起;买车就看起来带上朋友去餐厅睡觉,头两三次,大多数人不太可能去同一家餐厅。Mr. Meis survey of second-time car buyers showed that 85 of every 100 people said they prefer a different brand. 梅松林对二次买车人的调查表明,85%的人说道他们不会偏向于自由选择其他品牌。



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