


6966集团官网直营|苹果希望第三方应用支撑Apple Watch

发布时间:2024-09-21 07:02人气:
本文摘要:翻译成仅供参考 中文在上 英文对照在下苹果(Apple)于是以无可奈何合作方的应用于来劝说消费者缴纳成百乃至上千美元出售该公司的新产品Apple Watch。

翻译成仅供参考 中文在上 英文对照在下苹果(Apple)于是以无可奈何合作方的应用于来劝说消费者缴纳成百乃至上千美元出售该公司的新产品Apple Watch。自蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)接任史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)兼任首席执行官以来,这是苹果发售的第一款全新类型的产品。

Apple is turning to partners’ applications to persuade consumers to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for its new Watch, as it launched its first new category of device since Tim Cooksucceeded Steve Jobs as chief executive.昨天的发布会探讨于信息发送到和身体健康,库克在会上预演了承托目前为止最低调可穿着技术产品的第三方应用于。Yesterday’s event focused on messaging and health as Mr Cook previewed third-party apps to back up the most high-profile piece of wearable technology to date.“它是一种与他人交流的具备革命意义的新方式,是一款综合性的健美伴侣,”他回应,“将不会有一些有趣的第三方应用于……”“It’s a revolutionary new way to communicate with others and it’s a comprehensive fitness companion,” he said. “There will be some great third party apps...”在乔纳森艾夫爵士(Sir Jonathan Ive)的领导下,苹果为Apple Watch设计了一系列表壳材质和表带,企图以此来夺得时尚行业的欢迎。各式Apple Watch的定价从349美元平等主义千美元平均。

Under the design leadership of Sir Jonathan Ive, Apple has wooed the fashion industry with an array of finishes and bands, with pricing from $349 to thousands of dollars.然而,一些分析师批评,该产品灵活的彩色触屏以及“数字表冠”能否夺得那些未受到三星(Samsung)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)或Pebble类似于产品更有而出售智能手表的消费者的注目。However, some analysts have questioned whether its compact colour touchscreen and “digital crown” controller can win over consumers who have not been tempted to buy smartwatches from the likes of Samsung, Motorola or Pebble.华尔街预计该设备上市头一整年的销量将在2000万到3000万块之间。

只有2012年以来公布的iPhone能与这款将于下月上市的智能手表相容,这意味著潜在用户约多达3亿。Wall Street forecasts for the device’s sales in its first full year on the market range between 20m and 30m. Only owners with iPhones launched since 2012 — estimated to be more than 300m people — will find their smartphone is compatible with the Watch when it goes on sale next month.除身体健康跟踪、信息发送到、缴纳、计时这几项功能以外,库克还重新加入了Facebook、Instagram、微信(WeChat)和Twitter的应用于,以及叫车软件优步(Uber)和美国航空(American Airlines)订票软件等交通服务应用于。Alongside the smartwatch’s health-tracking, messaging, payment and timekeeping functions Mr Cook introduced apps from Facebook, Instagram, WeChat and Twitter, and transport services such as car-hailing app Uber and American Airlines ticketing [APP NAMES TBC]支持者回应,智能手机用户每天约查阅150次手机,这款产品能让他们仍然那么频密地查阅手机。

Advocates say it can reduce the estimated 150 times a day that smartphone owners check their mobile devices.。



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