



发布时间:2024-09-07 07:02人气:
本文摘要:The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat.全球首个拒绝接受双手重制的儿童早已构建了他挥舞棒球球棒的梦想。

The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat.全球首个拒绝接受双手重制的儿童早已构建了他挥舞棒球球棒的梦想。A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed as a success.《柳叶刀》医学杂志的一项研究表明,全球首例儿童双手移植手术顺利了。Zion Harvey, who underwent the radical surgery at the age of eight, was able to write, feed and dress himself within 18 months of the procedure, researchers found.研究者找到,拒绝接受根治性手术的8岁的锡安·哈维在术后18个月内早已需要自己写字、睡觉和穿衣。And the American child - who lost his hands and feet at the age of two due to a life-threatening sepsis infection - is continuing to receive daily therapy, which could result in further advances.来自美国的哈维两岁时因可怕的败血症病毒感染被迫摘除了双手双脚。

他现在每天之后拒绝接受康复化疗,预计情况将更进一步提高。Before undergoing the 11 hour operation, the young boy was unable to dress, feed and wash himself. Zion told doctors that his ambition was to one day swing a baseball bat.在拒绝接受11个小时的手术前,哈维无法独自一人穿衣、睡觉和睡觉。哈维告诉他医生他的心愿是有一天需要挥舞棒球球棒。After achieving this, the child, from Baltimore in Maryland said: Heres the piece of my life that was missing. Now its here, my life is complete.心愿构建后,来自马里兰州巴尔的摩的哈维说道:“过去我生命中缺陷的那部分寻找了,我的生命因此而显得原始。

”Within days of the US surgery, which involved four medical teams, working simultaneously, the child was able to move his fingers.经过四个医疗团队的同时希望,手术几天后,哈维需要活动手指了。By six months, he could move the transplanted hand muscles, and soon after was able to use scissors and crayons, doctors found.医生找到,将近六个月,小男孩早已可以活动重制的手上的肌肉,迅速他又需要用于剪刀和蜡笔。

And 12 months after undergoing surgery, the boy was able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat, using both hands.手术12个月后,小男孩构建了用双手挥舞棒球球棒的梦想。The medical report of the case, published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health journal, also details a series of setbacks.公开发表在《柳叶刀儿童与青少年身体健康杂志》上的医学报告还详尽说明了其中一系列的周折。On eight occasions, the transplant began to be rejected, which was managed with immunosuppression drug.重制的双手经常出现过八次敌视现象,每次都被免疫抑制药物掌控寄居了。The child also suffered minor infections and impairment to his transplanted kidney, the anonymised report notes.这篇电子邮件的报告尤其提及,哈维的重制肾脏也有轻度病毒感染和受损。

Our study shows that hand transplant surgery is possible when carefully managed and supported by a team of surgeons, transplant specialists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation teams, social workers and psychologists, said Dr Sandra Amaral, of the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.费城儿童医院的桑德拉·阿马拉尔医生说道:“我们的研究指出,在外科医生、重制专科医生、职业治疗师、康复团队、社会工作者和心理学家团队的细心管理和反对下,手部的移植手术是可以已完成的。”18 months after the surgery, the child is more independent and able to complete day-to-day activities.“手术的18个月后,哈维更为独立国家,可以已完成日常活动。

”He continues to improve as he undergoes daily therapy to increase his hand function, and psychosocial support to help deal with the ongoing demands of his surgery.“他现在每天都展开强化手部功能的康复化疗,状况在持续改善。社会心理反对协助他应付术后大大变化的拒绝。”The surgery took place in July 2015 at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia in collaboration with Penn Medicine.这次手术于2015年7月由费城儿童医院和宾夕法尼亚大学医学院合作积极开展。Researchers said that caution must be taken when assessing the benefits and harms of such surgery, given the need for immunosuppression medication which carries risk for other conditions.研究人员说道,由于术后须要用于免疫抑制药物,而该类药物的用于又会有产生其他状况的风险,所以人们在评估此类手术带给的益处和损害时必需慎重。

While functional outcomes are positive and the boy is benefiting from his transplant, this surgery has been very demanding for this child and his family, Dr Amaral said.阿马拉尔医生说道,“尽管重制双手的功能肾功能较好,哈维也借此获益,然而哈维和家人也为手术代价了很多。”In July last year, Chris King became the first person in the UK to have a double hand transplant in a pioneering operation at Leeds General Infirmary.去年七月,在利兹总医院的一次开拓性手术中,克里斯·金沦为了英国拒绝接受双手重制的第一人。



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