



发布时间:2024-08-29 07:02人气:
本文摘要:An artists impression of the more than 100 million pieces of debris in orbit around the Earth (AFP Photo/)想象图:多达一亿个太空垃圾碎片环绕着地球轨道(法新社图片)Tokyo (AFP) - An experimental Japanese mission to clear space junk or rubbish from the Earths orbit has ended in failure, officials said Monday, in an embarassment for Tokyo.东京(法新社)- 本周一,日本官员失望的宣告,日本一项实验性质、目的清扫地球轨道上的“太空垃圾”的行动,以告终收场。

An artists impression of the more than 100 million pieces of debris in orbit around the Earth (AFP Photo/)想象图:多达一亿个太空垃圾碎片环绕着地球轨道(法新社图片)Tokyo (AFP) - An experimental Japanese mission to clear space junk or rubbish from the Earths orbit has ended in failure, officials said Monday, in an embarassment for Tokyo.东京(法新社)- 本周一,日本官员失望的宣告,日本一项实验性质、目的清扫地球轨道上的“太空垃圾”的行动,以告终收场。Over 100 million pieces of garbage are thought to be whizzing around the planet, including cast-off equipment from old satellites and bits of rocket, which experts say could pose risks for future space exploration.一般来说指出地球周围有多达一亿片垃圾,还包括原有卫星上被遗弃的设备和火箭碎片。专家指出这不会对将来的太空探寻带给风险。

Scientists at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) were trying to test an electrodynamic tether -- created with the help of a fishing net company -- to slow down the orbiting rubbish and bring it into a lower orbit.日本宇宙航空研究研发机构的科学家企图测试一种电动“缆绳”——由一家渔网公司帮助研发——来减少环绕着地球的垃圾的速度,把它们带回更加较低的轨道上。The hope was that the clutter -- built up after more than five decades of human space exploration -- would eventually enter the Earths atmosphere and burn up harmlessly before it had a chance to crash into the planet.然后期望这些在过去多达五十年的人类空间探寻中构成的恐慌,能最后回到地球大气层,并在有机会碰撞地球前有害的焚毁。The 700-metre (2,300-foot) long tether -- made from thin wires of stainless steel and aluminium -- was due to be extended out from a cargo ship launched in December carrying supplies for astronauts at the International Space Station.这条七百米宽的缆绳,由不锈钢和铝制细网包含,预计从一艘去年12月升空的、为国际空间站的宇航员们降下给养的飞船上进行。Problems arose quickly, however, and technicians tried for days to remedy the situation but only had a one-week window to carry out the mission before the vessel reentered the Earths atmosphere before dawn on Monday.然而问题迅速经常出现,技术人员花上了几天时间企图修正状况,但是他们只有一周的时间窗口来继续执行这次行动,之后飞船就要在周一黎明前重回地球大气层了。

We believe the tether did not get released, leading researcher Koichi Inoue told reporters.“我们指出缆绳没进行”,首席研究员Koichi Inoue告诉他记者。It is certainly disappointing that we ended the mission without completing one of the main objectives, he said.“这认同很令人沮丧,我们不能在还并未达成协议目标的情况下就完结这次任务,”他说道。The disappointment is the latest failure to hit JAXA and comes just weeks after the agency had to abort a mission that sought to use a mini-rocket to send a satellite into orbit.祸不单行,日本宇宙航空研究研发机构几周前用于一个超小火箭来发射卫星到轨道的计划也流产了。The agency also abandoned a pricey ultra-high-tech satellite launched in February last year to search for X-rays emanating from black holes and galaxy clusters after losing contact with the spacecraft.该机构因为宇宙飞行器失联,也退出了去年2月升空的一枚斥资极大的超强~高科技卫星来搜索从黑洞和银河星系团中弥漫出来的X射线的计划。



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