


特斯拉廉价车Model 3预订量超预期:6966集团官网直营

发布时间:2024-07-15 07:02人气:
本文摘要:Tesla founder and chief executive Elon Musk says pre-orders of the firms much-anticipated Model 3 electric car currently total 276,000.特斯拉创始人兼任首席执行官埃隆·马斯克近日回应,公司倍受期望的新型电动汽车Model 3的订单总数已超过276000份之多。

Tesla founder and chief executive Elon Musk says pre-orders of the firms much-anticipated Model 3 electric car currently total 276,000.特斯拉创始人兼任首席执行官埃隆·马斯克近日回应,公司倍受期望的新型电动汽车Model 3的订单总数已超过276000份之多。The California-based firm unveiled the five-seater car - its lowest-cost vehicle to date - on last Thursday.总部坐落于加利福利亚的特斯拉公司于上周四举办了这一新款五座型轿车的发布会。该车型也是特斯拉公司目前为止耗资低于的车型。Pre-orders of the Model 3 will not necessarily all translate into actual sales when the car is released, with first deliveries in late 2017. It can be ordered in advance in dozens of countries, including the UK, Republic of Ireland, Brazil, India, China and New Zealand. Potential car owners need to put down 1,000 dollars deposits to reserve their vehicles.Model3最先将于2017年下半年上市,而提早预约并不意味著最后就能购买。

这款新车可以在全球还包括英国,爱尔兰,巴西,印度,中国和新西兰在内的10余个国家提早预约。潜在的车主须要缴纳1000美元的订金来预约自己的车辆。Such has been the interest that Mr Musk tweeted the company was definitely going to need to rethink production planning. Mr Musk has said his goal is to produce about 500,000 vehicles a year once production is at full capacity.有鉴于此,马斯克在推特上回应,特斯拉公司“必需新的规划生产能力”。

马斯克回应,一旦公司生产能力达到最佳水平,每年将生产大约50万辆汽车。The basic model will start at 35,000 dollars (24,423 pounds) and have a range of at least 215 miles (346 km) per charge.这款车型的售价为35000美元(折算24,423英镑),每次电池可最少行经215英里(折算346公里)。Tesla delivered 50,580 vehicles last year. Most of those were its Model S saloon, which overtook Nissans Leaf to become the worlds best selling pure-electric vehicle.特斯拉去年售出了50580辆汽车,其中大多数为四座型的Model S,这一成绩多达了尼桑的Leaf,沦为世界上最畅销的纯电动汽车。But the firm still posted a net loss of 889m dollars (620m pounds) for 2015, partly because it spent 718m dollars on research and development over the period.但特斯拉2015年仍净亏损8亿8千9百万美元(合6亿2千万英镑),一部分原因是其在研发上投放了7亿1千8百万美元。

The company is facing competition from other electric cars with a similar price and range that will become available first, including General Motors Chevy Bolt and BYDs Qin EV300.特斯拉现在于是以面对着与其他公司电动汽车的竞争。这些汽车与其新车的价格相似,行经里程也差距无多,其中就还包括标准化的Chevy Bolt和比亚迪的Qin EV300。



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