



发布时间:2024-07-09 07:02人气:
本文摘要:Chegg, the startup that began as an analog online book rental service and has itself transformed into a multifaceted digital hub for students, has filed publicly for an initial public offering to raise about $150 million.Chegg最初是一个仿真在线租书服务网站,现改变沦为一个以学生为服务对象的多元数字中心,并首次公开发表认购,筹措大约1.5亿美元资金。

Chegg, the startup that began as an analog online book rental service and has itself transformed into a multifaceted digital hub for students, has filed publicly for an initial public offering to raise about $150 million.Chegg最初是一个仿真在线租书服务网站,现改变沦为一个以学生为服务对象的多元数字中心,并首次公开发表认购,筹措大约1.5亿美元资金。The Santa Clara, Calif.-based company has already been working with the Securities and Exchange Commission, doing what is called a “secret filing.” That means that Chegg used the 2012 law, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, that allows any private company that has less than $1 billion in annual revenue to work confidentially with regulatory agencies ahead of the public IPO announcement. Both Workday and Trulia filed successfully in this manner.坐落于加州圣克拉拉的Chegg公司于是以与美国证券交易委员会合作一起“秘密文件”,这意味著Chegg实施的是2012创业企业融资法案,这条法案容许年收入多于10亿美元的私人公司在公开发表上市公告之前秘密与管理机构合作。This speeds up the offering process, getting regulatory issues resolved quietly and also keeping the IPO shielded from scrutiny at the start. It also allows companies such as Chegg to make initial contact with potential investors, and sources said that Chegg has done so.实施该法案加快了认购过程,使得监管问题能安静地被解决问题,并使首次公开发表认购获得最初就拒绝接受详尽监察的维护。

这使得例如Chegg之类的公司能与潜在的投资方取得可行性联系,有消息称之为Chegg也显然这样做到过。Now it will be three weeks before the company can start its official road show to sell itself to Wall Street, which will then be followed by the IPO itself. The most recent valuation of the company was $800 million, but its public market value is likely to be much higher.从现在起的三个星期内,Chegg就要开始月不会向华尔街促销自己了,在那之后之后要展开首次公开发表认购。近期的公司估值是8亿美元,但Chegg的公开市场价值有可能更高。

Chegg will use the money it is raising to expand its offerings. The company is not without competitors, which have had varying degrees of success, including BookRenter, Kno and, perhaps most significantly, Amazon.Chegg将不会用于筹得的资金去扩展自己获取的服务项目。该公司并不是没输掉的,它的竞争者还包括:BookRenter,Kno以及有可能最重要的输掉亚马逊,这些都早已获得了有所不同程度的顺利。Chegg was founded in 2005 at Iowa State University as a hyper-local classifieds directory, and the business evolved two years later into a textbook-rental service. It now has a variety of offerings centered on students from high school onward to many thousands of educational institutions.Chegg作为一个超强本地化分类指南,于2005年在爱荷华州立大学正式成立,两年后变为一个教科书出租服务平台。

如今Chegg早已发展为以高中和众多教育机构的学生为服务对象的平台。It has raised $195 million from a variety of venture firms and investors, including Kleiner Perkins, Pinnacle Ventures and Insight Venture Partners.Chegg早已从很多投资公司和投资者处取得1.95亿美元的资金,投资者还包括克莱恩那·帕尔金斯风险投资、尖峰创投和纽约风险投资公司Insight Venture Partners。



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