



发布时间:2024-06-19 07:02人气:
本文摘要:Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration released new findings, reporting that vitamin E acetate appeared in a large portion of lung samples of people suffering from a vaping-related illness affecting 2,051 people.疾病防治控制中心和美国食品药物管理局公布了新的研究结果,说道在与电子烟有关的疾病的患者肺部样本中找到很多都所含维生素E醋酸酯,患病人数约2051人。

Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration released new findings, reporting that vitamin E acetate appeared in a large portion of lung samples of people suffering from a vaping-related illness affecting 2,051 people.疾病防治控制中心和美国食品药物管理局公布了新的研究结果,说道在与电子烟有关的疾病的患者肺部样本中找到很多都所含维生素E醋酸酯,患病人数约2051人。E acetate is a form of vitamin E thats often used in skincare products, but which has recently become a popular way of cutting cannabis in vaporizer cartridges. Both the CDC and the FDA had previously warned Americans against using THC vaping products until the source of the illness has been found.维生素E醋酸酯是一种维生素E,常用于护肤品,但最近却常在汽化装置中被用作溶解大麻。

疾病防治控制中心和美国食品药物管理局都曾警告美国人在查清病因前不要用于四氢大麻酚电子烟。The CDC found vitamin E acetate in lung samples taken from 29 patients suffering from lung injury associated with e-cigarettes. This is the first time that we have detected a potential chemical of concern in biologic samples from patients with these lung injuries, the CDC wrote in its announcement. These findings provide direct evidence of vitamin E acetate at the primary site of injury within the lungs.疾病防治控制中心找到从29个与电子烟有关的肺损伤病例中提供的肺部样本中找到了维生素E醋酸酯。该中心在公告中写到:“这是我们第一次在肺损伤患者的生物样本中检测到一种潜在的化学物质,检测结果获取了维生素E醋酸酯不存在于肺损伤主要部位的必要证据。”In addition to E acetate, the organization also identified THC, the psychoactive property in cannabis, in 82% of lung samples and nicotine in 62% of samples. The CDC says it tested for other chemicals, including plant oils, petroleum distillates, MCT oil, and terpenes, but was not able to detect them.除了维生素E醋酸酯,该中心还在82%的肺部样本中找到了四氢大麻酚,在62%的样本中找到了尼古丁。

四氢大麻酚是大麻中的精神活性物质。疾病防治控制中心称之为测试了其他化学物质,还包括植物油、石油馏出物、中链甘油三酯和萜烯,但没任何找到。The Food and Drug Administration has also released preliminary lab results showing a strong presence of vitamin E acetate among nearly 600 lung samples. The administration found that the majority of samples taken from patients in 25 states contained THC. Half of the samples with THC also had vitamin E acetate; another 22% contained a different diluent.美国食品药物管理局也发布了可行性实验结果,找到在近600个肺部样本中大量不存在维生素E醋酸酯。

管理局找到搜集到的25个州的病人样本中大部分都有四氢大麻酚。所含四氢大麻酚的样本中一半所含维生素E醋酸酯,另外22%所含另外一种稀释剂。Importantly, the variations of use patterns, products or substances reportedly used and the samples being tested may mean there are multiple causes of these injuries, the FDA wrote in its report.美国食品药物管理局在报告中写到:“最重要的是,有所不同的用于模式、据报告患者用于的有所不同产品或物质以及有所不同的检测样本有可能意味著这些受损是由多种原因导致的。”The lab results may tie the disease more closely to marijuana vaping products. They also confirm suspicions first raised by New York States Department of Health in September that vitamin E acetate had a role in the disease. The agency found high levels of vitamin E acetate in a portion of patients in New York who contracted the disease.实验室的研究结果有可能找到这种疾病与大麻电子烟具有更加紧密的联系。

他们也证实了纽约州卫生部九月份首次明确提出的猜测,他们猜测这一疾病与维生素E醋酸酯有关。该机构找到纽约的一部分患者体内维生素E醋酸酯水平较高。Though these new findings provide some insight into the vaping illness, the investigation will continue.虽然这些新的研究结果让我们对电子烟造成的疾病有了一些理解,但调查仍在之后。



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